New Glasses

We had leftover flex-spending money, so we got eye exams and glasses. Sam was skeptical until the man told him these glasses made him look like he was "driving down the autobahn," which he does. He's long been against the dark frames, but it was time to join the nerdy-chic crowd, which, as Sam points out, is no longer really nerdy-chic, just plain chic. It took him a few months to truly be converted to these glasses, but I think he's converted now.

Sam's glasses + Tadzio the Cat, who loves him fiercely
In the last year or so, Sam has shifted his style to a darker (and slightly more fitted) wash of jeans, button-up (and usually untucked) dress shirts, brown boots that are so lovely they make me silly, lovely blazers that used to be his father's, and these glasses. Listen friends, he used to wear very light (and rather baggy) jeans, tennis shoes, and t-shirts. And folks, I would have loved him forever and ever in those clothes, cross my heart. But I can't help but feel rather proud at this development. I mean, is this not progress? Look at how handsome these gentlemen are. (I can't take credit for Tadzio's attire. He's had that magnificent fur coat forever, and it is the softest coat in town, and I am sure it will always be the height of fashion.)
The Handsome Gentlemen
I got glasses too, though I'm still pretty in love with my old ones. I wear them both. And here's what I told the man when I got the news ones: I told him, give me glasses that are borderline absurd, without actually being absurd. And here is what he brought me. And I think he did a fine job.

I have up-closer shots, except they emphasize how bad the eyebrow situation really was for me at this point, so I shall spare you. Truuuuust me, it's better this way.


eden said…
i think the glasses look great, and i think you are adorable.

i also think i need to get out to boston sometime...
Russanne said…
You guys look great!

It's a funny feeling when Kyle walks out of the bedroom with a pair of skinnies and plaid button up, when just three short years ago he was in the light baggy jeans and free sporting event t-shirts.

And I love him just the same.
Mike and Emily said…
I think you both look fabulous!
belann said…
Both of you look wonderful. Even Tadzio is looking fine. Miss everyone terribly.
Terry Earley said…
I like the glasses, but cannot see Sam as a "fashion plate". He might shame me.
Amara said…
OK, now tell Jeff that dark jeans are OK. Please. Or maybe have Sam tell him. I think you look beautiful too.

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