Twenty-Five Marvelously Cute Things Henrietta Does at (Nearly) Two Years Old
Helping me make cookies. |
1. She calls water "otter."
2. She calls yogurt "ogre."
3. Tonight she did "this little piggy" on my toes. It sounded like this, "This! Piggy! This! Piggypiggy! Weeweewee Piggy!"
4. She comes up to me, holds out her arms and says, "Again?" This means she wants me to do "Itsy Bitsy Spider" up and down her arms. Then she does it back to me.
5. She counts. She counts like this: two? two? three! six? nine?
6. She's devoted to saying thank you. She says it when anyone gives her anything, or when she gives us something, too. My favorite is when she says, "Thank you much."
7. Her favorite activity is undoubtably running circles through our living room, kitchen, and dining room, chasing us or being chased. She growls, we growl, and then we all giggle.
8. Dancing consists of spinning around in a circle saying "Dance-a! Dance-a!"
9. She can say Rothko. She says goodnight to Rothko when we go to bed.
10. When I drop her off to be watched while I work, we put on her shoes and I help her on with her toddler backpack and I hold her hand and we walk to the door. The image of her wearing her little backpack: I cannot get enough of it.
11. Aside from when she's throwing a tantrum, she's so insanely happy. She giggles and chatters to herself. Her first sentence was "That's funny," and she has a generous sense of humor. It doesn't take much to make her laugh and laugh.
12. She is, unaccountably, fascinated by covering her head with a blanket or a towel or a box or whatever is on hand and walking around so she can't see. She runs into things, but she still does it. She seems to do it in order to run into things.
13. She knows that The Little Mermaid is on her training pants. She calls her "Mer-mer." In fact, all princesses or pretty animated ladies are Mer-mers.
14. One morning, when I was upstairs getting dressed, I heard her start saying, "Oh boy!" I'd never heard her say it before, but she said it over and over again: "Ohhhh boyyy! Ohh Boyyyy! Ohh Boy!" Now she says it all the time. Along with "okay." Sometimes she says, "Okay! Oh boy!" When Sam got out a slice of birthday cake for her this evening, she kept saying, "Oh boy!"
15. She loves balloons. She loves them so much.
16. She holds her baby doll, pats her head, and tells her, "It's sososo kay."
17. She likes to climb up things and then jump off of them, preferably into our arms.
18. She snuggles me. We watch shows in the evening so we can sit together and she can lean her head on me and take my arms and wrap them around her. I don't mind.
Snuggling |
20. When upset, for some reason she says, "Doctor! Doctor!" We have no idea what this means. I've heard Sam tell her she needn't be so formal with him, that calling him Dad is just fine.
21. When given a sticker, she places it immediately on the back of her neck.
23. She climbs on my back and says, "Kitty-ya? Kitty-ya?' This means I'm to crawl around on the floor pretending to be a kitty. You better believe I do it.
24. When I come to get her, or when I come home, her face lights up like no one's face has ever lit up for me. It's astonishing every time.
25. When she wants something, she says, "Gah me." When she really wants something, she says, "GahmeGahmeGahmeGahme!"