Vote a Coat!

The zipper broke on my new winter coat, so I took it back. They gave me money. Amd now I need a new coat. I want a prrrrettty one. I've spent much too long online but I think I've narrowed to these three. Please to tell girl which one to purchase? Also, which color? Coats one and three only come in grey, but coat two I could get in that there purple shade. Am I brave enough for a purple coat? Do tell.

Additional notes: I sort of adore the big buttons on coat one, and the neck seems warm, and I can make it smaller on the back (if need be, heaven help me). Coat two just seems lovely, but I'm not quite as into the buttons, but the swishy back! Oh pretty! And it would be long and warmie, too. I like coat three, and it seems perhaps the most classic, but I'm worried I'd look like a semi-fancy sack of beans.

I leave it to you. My winter life is in your hands.

Coat One (only available in grey)

Coat 2 (available in grey or "deep plum")

Coat 3 (only available in grey)


Kira said…
No would be too "fluffy". No one needs fluffy. I like 1.
Amara said…
I like three, but I just bought a long coat and kind of wish I had gone for one a little more short and "Sassy". So ..wasn't the first one shorter? I'm really helpful. Yeah, on HEAB --I've tried an egg substitute they all recommended before --xanthan, and it DID NOT work (just turned stuff to goo). That's why I asked her.
Amara said…
OK, I went back and looked at the short one and HATE the back.
belann said…
I really love them all, but I think #1 would be more versatile and practical. That's me--practical.
Genevieve Beck said…
I have no doubt that you're brave enough for purple, but I'm inclined to go with the shorter one too so I pick 1.
eden said…
i'm going to warn you up front that i probably won't be much help. because i can't decide.

i definitely think you're brave enough for purple...

the buttons on the first one are fabulous, but i also am not terribly fond of the back (thought i don't hate it)...

the third one looks classically beautiful...

i like them all...

so sorry.
Mike and Emily said…
I like the first one with the big buttons. Sassy. Where did you find it? You can also find sassy coats for cheap at Jessie tipped me off to this site and I love it.
Stephanie said…
I vote for the first one. You could pull off purple but I think because of your heighth that number one would look really good on you.
Deja said…
Okay, so I ordered number 1, but I can't get coat number 2 out of my head. I KNOW the bum is sort of fluffy. But still ... it's ... purple and also ... fluffy.
Emily Ruddick said…
I love #2! I would SO get the purple, winter is too dull for grey!
My favorite is #2 because of its glorious color, but I don't know if it'd be too long for you. #1 does have some spectacular buttons. One of those are my choice.
Emily said…
I periodically forget which of my friends' blogs are private and so i'm catching up a lot here. Which coat did you get? I'm surprised you ever doubted your ability to pull off a purple coat.

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