Oh, that's self reliance?

I got an iPad some time back, and I am loving it.  But I needed some kind of cover for it.  There's a little special cover that they sell with them, but it flops open if it's in your bag, and I can't have that, so I was using a plastic gallon-size ziploc, and thinking I would have to buy another cover and thinking it was going to cost me 40 bucks or something to get a decent one, and then it hit me: I sew!  I know how to do that thing.  And I have fabric that I fell in love with sometime back and haven't put to use.  And 30 minutes later, I had an iPad case.  I can't describe how happy this made me.  To have a problem, and to have made my own solution and carried it out and had it be pretty to boot.  I kept walking around my house saying, "I made a thing!  I made a thing!" and Sam kept saying, "Yep, you sure did."  It was a happy evening.

I took pictures.  And Sprouty insisted on modeling.  She is the queen.  We must obey her every whim. 

(A note on the button closure: I taught myself to make button holes!  But that's not what I wanted to say.  I wanted to say that at the time it was important for me to make the thing, to be done and have it be free, so I cut a button off an old shirt and sewed it on.  I have since purchased a much snazzier button.)

(Also, have you seen these iPad games for kitties?  I've tried it, and I don't think my cats are smart enough, but maybe some day they'll get it ... )


Launie said…
I love it! And look at you with your mad sewing skillz! Grandma Hansen would be very proud of you, I know I am! GOOD JOB!
absolutely amazing! so proud of you! I know the rush you felt, I feel it too :) You're part of the Domestic Diva club!
Deja said…
Launie, I hadn't thought of my sewing in connection with Grandma but of course she must have originally planted the interest. So lovely to think of her. Thank you.

Melanie, I dig it! Domestic Diva!
Emily said…
Good job! I made a diaper cake for a friend's shower a few weeks ago and I couldn't stop shouting, "I made something! And it doesn't look like crap!" It was a good moment. Hooray for yours.

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