Promotional Device

Sometime earlier this year, I got an email from Tyler Chadwick, who asked if he could include several of my poems in Fire in the Pasture: Twenty-first Century Mormon Poets, to which I said, um, yes yes you may. The book is out now, and I just got my contributor's copy this week, and I have to say that it's beautiful.  I don't mean that my poems are beautiful, I mean the book itself, as an object, is gorgeous.  If you're so inclined to see what's going on in contemporary Mormon poetry (and how could you not be?! ;), I recommend this book. 

On a related note, if you're more interested in seeing what Mormon fiction is up to (and again, how could you not be?! I hope it's clear I'm kidding ...mostly), Dispensation: Latter-day Fiction was a great read. 

In all seriousness, I can say that Mormon Literature goes well beyond Jack Weyland.  There's some really good stuff out there.  If you're interested in recommendations, shoot me an email.


eden said…
that's awesome dej! congratulations!
Mike and Emily said…
You amaze me!!! Well done, friend!
Genevieve Beck said…
A very big congratulations! I will definitely be on the hunt for it!
Amara said…
I was able to sneak inside and read a poem of yours on Amazon. Congrats!
kathy w. said…
Yes! I'm excited to read it.

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