Everything is Already Lovely
Do you recall this post , wherein I describe the strategy of letting go of my taxing "shoulds" and instead writing down good things in five categories in order to remind myself that everything, really, is already just fine? Already lovely , even? I keep coming back to this strategy. I leave off for awhile, when life gets unruly, but when I'm ready to come back to myself and get creative again, I know this is the place to start. I just started a few days ago, and already I'm journaling big ideas, big hopes and dreams and writing plans. When I first wrote the post, I said I might post my list on occasion, and I thought I'd start doing that. Here, my friends, is my list from a few days ago. Everything is Already Lovely 1. Human Connections: Talking with Sam, strategizing about our lives while we cleaned the kitchen and I made fresh carrot/apple/celery/beet juice. Playing with Baby this morning before we went downstairs. Handing her one toy at a time to try them...