You Shall See

I have all these lovely pictures to post of babies and Utah and Boston and Syracuse, but they're all trapped in my camera. Someday I'll extract them and then you shall see.

In the meantime, I thought I would say that Sam and I are at a little Bed and Breakfast in Palmyra, NY. We're reading books. It's sunny out. We passed the Hill Cumorah on the way here. Tomorrow I'll go to the temple and we'll see the Sacred Grove. Then we'll head to NYC. Then we'll fly away to Paris.

Life is relaxing. Life is pretty. Life is good.


Kira said…
You are going to the temple on Memorial day? Sounds like you have a wonderful life in the summer :)
kathy w. said…
Life really is good. Have fun.
belann said…
Enjoy! Enjoy! Every single minute of it.
Emily said…
We just got back from upstate NY. Adam's parents were sealed in the Palmyra Temple. Don't miss the press building where the first BoM's were printed. It's our favorite. But isn't it pretty up there? All those trees...

p.s. you DESERVE every minute of your spectacular summer.
Emily said…
Wait a minute...just checked the date. Were you at the temple on Memorial Day?! So were weeeeeeeee! Too bad we missed you. We were in and out by 9:30 AM. You were probably having scrambled eggs on round cuts of toast...oh wait, that was in Weymouth..

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