I Stopped Believing in Winter Weeks Ago

I stopped wearing my coat, even though I shivered all the way from my car to campus. I tore all the draft-preventing plastic from our windows, even though I could feel the wind come through the closed window and kiss my neck. I cooed at the little green sprouts by our doorstep, even though they haven't blossomed yet.

My reasoning was this: If I ceased lending credibility to winter, it would get its feelings hurt, realize its goose was cooked, and split.

But it didn't. It hasn't snowed again or anything. And the weather has been decent-er, sometimes even lovely, but where the Sam Hill (Hi, Sam!) are the flowers, the blossoms, the bright pink petals? Enough already with the brown.

I wouldn't whine, but I keep seeing pictures of the cherry blossoms in DC, which are painfully gorgeous. And I was thinking maybe they're just lower than us, and wondering how many days it takes spring to travel 8 hours. But today I saw pictures of flashy flowers in the Pacific Northwest, so now I'm just wondering what spring has against us. We need her, too.

Come on, Spring. Get yourself in gear. I'll be your best friend ...


eden said…
i applaud your reasoning. so sorry it's not working for you.
Jamie said…
There's no spring in Utah, if that makes you feel better. The tempurature keeps teasing us with spring, but then a snow storm will dump down. These in-between seasons are unsettling.
Sam Ruddick said…
who is this wind, and when did he kiss your neck? he better hope i don't see him around here, if he values his own.
Annie said…
Yeah, we're having the same nasty phenomenon here in Utah. I think mother nature like watching people plant flowers so she can go kill them (the flowers, not the people...though I wouldn't put that past her)with snow the next day.
Stephanie said…
I don't know where those flowers in the northwest are from. We just got two to three inches of snow last night.
Kira said…
Come jump on our tramp with Keaton in May. It will be warm by then. We are glad you are coming for a little visit. We are sad the "Sam Hill" is not coming though.
Lynn said…
Colorado is just as bleak as Utah and there is snow in the weather forecast for tonight. I have some tulip shoots coming up, but that is all of the green that I see. We need flowers darn it!
Oh where are you spring?!?!
Mike and Emily said…
Amen and amen. I'm over this winter thang.
See Mack Snow said…
I am waiting for you to write a book. I love reading your blog. It always strikes that little part of my inners that says, "oh, right there - that's good writing." You always seem to just nail it...
Emily said…
I too think I can will my way out of winter. I fight back by wearing summery dresses and skirts to church. Maybe I'm hoping to get God to take notice. With my bare legs? That's weird, now that I think of it. A few trees have started to bloom here in NYC so I'm sure you'll be next.

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