Kitty and Spiders

Pardon me for being a doting cat-mom, but is this not the cutest Meatsock you've ever seen in a dryer? No idea how he managed to hop up there. But oh he charms me.

(Sorry for the sideways view. I'm too lazy to fix it in picasa. And I kinda like it that way.)

Also, Sam and I watched Arachnophobia for the first time last night. Why do people make movies like that? Movies that make me screech when my sweater, sock, or hair touch me? Movies that cause me to stand up on my couch, screaming and stamping my feet?

And that was just me. Even Sam, who watches horror movies for FUN, was freaking out. We had to watch stupid TV just to get over it.


Amara said…
I don't know why those movies exist. But then hey, I'm a lightweight with anything disturbing.
Spencer G said…
I just saw Chinese Odyssey 2002, and it is, I promise and if you can find it, and antidote for all bad movies of any kind. Seriously. If you can find a version, do so at your next possible convenience.
Mike and Emily said…
I hate those movies too...even when Mike and I watched planet earth one time he had sharks nibbling at his toes all night and I had sea worms slithering through our sheets. Sheesh.
Sam Ruddick said…
i dunno. i thought it was fun.
Emily said…
I HATE spiders so I've never sat down and watched that movie, but from the bits I've seen, isn't it also terribly cheesy? I seem to remember something about a giant tarantula that shrieked...Come on...
belann said…
I sure like that kitty. Not sure I would like the spider movie, but I think your dad would.
See Mack Snow said…
Deja! It's me, Mackenzie! From college! So sorry for crashing your blog, but I just found Amanda's blog, and there was a comment from you, and then I found your blog, and now WE'RE OFFICIALLY FRIENDS AGAIN! and you're married! CONGRATS!!!
Sam Ruddick said…
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Sam Ruddick said…
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Terry Earley said…
Now you need to watch "Eight Legged Freaks". It is also about spiders, a tribute to the 50's monster/mutation movie where a gigantic tarantuala menaces an Arizona desert town.
Ever seen "The Birds" by Hitchcook? That'll leave you scared out of your wits for days.
Personally, I am THE biggest pansy-face, scaredy pants you've ever met, I can barely even watch 24...
I love you you doting cat mom you. Also, I don't know why they insist on making those ridiculous horror films either...they make me squeal and then give me bad dreams for the next two weeks. I hate it. But I love you.
Hi Deja! On the spider note: eek! And on the kitty note: We love cats too! Lily tries to kiss them and ends up drooling all over their back.yuck! And be careful with the dryer and your kitty, we had an accident in my childhood that involved the cat jumping in the dryer and not getting out before it was turned on. so sad:(
Miss you!

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