Not polished, but pretty. I think. Upon Attending a Yoga Class with My Husband It’s a basic class, involving blankets and a dozen grey heads on pillows, and soon he’s asleep, snoring slightly. I reach over and tap his ribcage, and we giggle in the back of the room, our bellies trembling, the lights low. When we reach to twist our imaginary lightbulbs on and off, I watch his hands, concentrate on them instead of my breathing, how long his fingers seem, how deep his palms, how shocking that he has a body, that he exists separate from me, from how I think of him as husband, from his laugh, his job, his methods for loading the dishwasher and taking out the trash, even the way he touches me when I sleep. We’re on the floor moving like elephants, like cows, like our cats, like the very deliberate and slow. His left hand stutters when he realizes it should be his right. It feels like kindergarten, like somehow the two of us, who are eleven years apart, have skipped backwards for an instan...